Tag Archives: teeth straightening

Surbiton dentist has the answer with Inman aligner

There are very few people who are completely happy with their teeth. There are so many problems that can occur with the teeth. They can be discoloured, cracked, chipped or even worn down. There are cosmetic treatments that can be used to restore the appearance of all of these issues. But what if your teeth … Continue reading Surbiton dentist has the answer with Inman aligner


Six Month Smile braces from Sunbury dentist changing nature of teeth straightening

Braces. A word that used to strike fear into the hearts of every teenager across the country. And who could blame them? Nobody would particularly relish the prospect of a mouth full of metal brackets and wires, painful tightening appointments and the aesthetic nightmare that was traditional braces; in some cases for as long as … Continue reading Six Month Smile braces from Sunbury dentist changing nature of teeth straightening


Teeth straightening braces; the latest styles and news from a Weybridge dentist

Getting your teeth straightened isn`t just limited to the young, these days adults are using new style braces that straighten teeth in 3-8 months, say a Weybridge dentist. The reason may be down to us being more conscious of unsightly teeth, or it may just be that new advances in brace technology have improved so … Continue reading Teeth straightening braces; the latest styles and news from a Weybridge dentist


Achieve your dream smile with Invisalign braces from Sunbury dentist

There are millions of people in the UK who could benefit from some kind of orthodontic teeth straightening, but more often than not people are put off by the idea of having to wear ugly metal braces for up to three years in order to achieve the perfect smile. However, there is now an alternative … Continue reading Achieve your dream smile with Invisalign braces from Sunbury dentist


Incredible straight teeth with Damon braces from Weybridge dentist

As orthodontic teeth straightening improves with technological advances, braces become more discreet, fast-working and comfortable. This is exemplified by Damon braces, the latest system to offer friction-free technology for faster and more effective teeth-straightening. Damon braces also eliminate the need for palate expanders and extractions prior to treatment. The friction-free movement from Damon braces is … Continue reading Incredible straight teeth with Damon braces from Weybridge dentist


Weybridge dentist uses ultra-fast Six Month Smile braces to straighten teeth

Having a beautiful smile full of straight white teeth is a desire that we all have in common. The smile is such an important method of communication and can say so much about us. For people not blessed with naturally straight teeth there has always been the option to have them orthodontically straightened with braces. … Continue reading Weybridge dentist uses ultra-fast Six Month Smile braces to straighten teeth