Porcelain veneers have been around for decades helping people whose teeth have gone beyond whitening and become very jaded indeed from the general wear and tear that has attacked them over time. Porcelain is beautiful by nature anyway, but when placed in the mouth, it not only puts a glow into your smile, but it … Continue reading Priceless and perfect: Weybridge loves Porcelain Veneers
READ MORECategory Archives: Dental veneers
Lovely, lovely Lumineers come to Weybridge
Sometimes for some people, the teeth can start to look a little worn and torn and so if you’d like to keep that lovely smile of yours going, you may on occasions have to have a bit of work done and there is no better way to hide away the evils than by having veneers … Continue reading Lovely, lovely Lumineers come to Weybridge
READ MOREThe rewards of having Porcelain Veneers fitted in Shepperton
For some people, the teeth can decay quite badly over time and look very aged indeed: gaps may appear, gums may well recede and discolouration may set in. The overall result is that your smile may well become compromised and affect your self-confidence, and it will only get worse. However, in cases like this, help … Continue reading The rewards of having Porcelain Veneers fitted in Shepperton
READ MOREWhy People In Weybridge Get Passionate About Porcelain Veneers
There is a lot of natural beauty to be found in porcelain; beautifully translucent, it seems to catch the light and throw it back out again giving it a wonderful hue. This is why it is probably the most perfect material to make veneers from and then put into the mouth. If you are having … Continue reading Why People In Weybridge Get Passionate About Porcelain Veneers
READ MOREThe logical solution- Lumineers in Weybridge
The problem of fading teeth, for whatever reason, needs a logical solution if you are to keep looking your best, and there is none more logical than having Lumineers fitted to hide away the problems. All you have to do is to pop into your dentists and get yourself measured up: all this involves is … Continue reading The logical solution- Lumineers in Weybridge
READ MOREThe fun and the fantastic- Porcelain Veneers in Shepperton
There is nothing like blowing a bit of cash on ‘tarting’ yourself up, and it is rewarding when you see the changes. This also goes for dentistry, especially as you get a little older: time will take its toll and your smile may get a little tired. Not only may they discolour, but they can … Continue reading The fun and the fantastic- Porcelain Veneers in Shepperton