Monthly Archives: February 2012

Why Your Dentist Wants You to Quite Smoking in Sunbury

There is a really bad statistic floating about dental surgeries in Sunbury, which shows that smokers are more likely to lose their teeth than those people that don’t smoke- this is because smoking is destructive to the body on many levels. Firstly it depletes the immune system, causing the mouth to suffer from poor saliva … Continue reading Why Your Dentist Wants You to Quite Smoking in Sunbury


Straightening Your Teeth with Veneers in Molesey

There are a lot of options open to you in Molesey to straighten your teeth. Unfortunately, however, some of these can be quite a lengthy procedures, for which a lot of people are not prepared to sign up to. But there are alternatives and good ones too. One such option are veneers and you can … Continue reading Straightening Your Teeth with Veneers in Molesey


The Unemployed Way to get a Dental Check-up in Shepperton

There is no doubt that the country in the midst of a bad recession right now and a lot of people are losing their jobs, which of course isn’t a pleasant situation to be in. Losing your job doesn’t mean that you can stop paying bills and so life must go on as best it … Continue reading The Unemployed Way to get a Dental Check-up in Shepperton


Overseas Dental Treatment-The Facts in Kingston-upon-Thames

It is very possible that you may have walked around some dentists in Kingston-upon-Thames and worried about the prices of some treatments, especially if you have seen prices abroad at almost a third, to half of what they are here. You wouldn’t be alone in thinking you could kill two birds with one stone and … Continue reading Overseas Dental Treatment-The Facts in Kingston-upon-Thames


Caring for Our Teeth the Inter-Dental Way in Worcester Park

You can go out in Worcester Park and get the best toothbrush that money can buy, but it will not get in between your teeth, where the evil of plaque loves to ply its trade. Now in all reality, plaque will always be around in your mouth and if it gets out of control, it … Continue reading Caring for Our Teeth the Inter-Dental Way in Worcester Park


The Surbiton British and Their Fear of the Dentist

Maybe it’s a British thing, but you wouldn’t be surprised at how many people in Surbiton still have some sort of fear of the dentist, even with the modern pain-free laser technology on offer and modern sedation techniques and treatments around. The thing is, it is still causing dentists headaches, for nervous patients can be … Continue reading The Surbiton British and Their Fear of the Dentist