Monthly Archives: March 2013

Taking up the fight against Bad Breath in Surbiton

Most conditions in the mouth are quite easily treated by dentists today with easy, yet wonderful treatments at their disposal; bad breath however, isn’t so easy to overcome and it may take a complete turn around in lifestyle and attitude to battle against this problem. Sure, a dentist can treat the problem of tooth decay … Continue reading Taking up the fight against Bad Breath in Surbiton


How to straighten your teeth fast in Shepperton with the Inman Aligner

Like Halley’s Comet, something comes along once in your life time that captures the imagination and in orthodontic circles, that comet is the Inman aligner. The similarities don’t just stop there either, because both move pretty quickly as well and it is just possible that this aligner will be around for a good 75 years … Continue reading How to straighten your teeth fast in Shepperton with the Inman Aligner


The true beauty of Invisalign in Surbiton

Beauty and discretion aren’t normally words that are associated with the world of orthodontics and the way teeth are straightened, but then, the world has never been quite prepared for something like Invisalign. This is a system which works like no other and once you have decided on it, it will get your teeth into … Continue reading The true beauty of Invisalign in Surbiton