Tag Archives: inman aligner

The Amazing Inman Aligner in Kingston-upon-Thames

Dentistry has moved into the space age. Who’d have predicted 20 years ago that you could have a dental implant fitted in a day, have your teeth laser bleached or fitted with veneers, a bridge or a crown in an hour, or more amazingly, have those irritating crooked teeth at the front of the mouth … Continue reading The Amazing Inman Aligner in Kingston-upon-Thames


A Fast Fix in Molesey with an Inman Aligner

Since the Inman aligner came onto the market in Molesey, it’s gained many plaudits within dental circles and has reflected quite wonderfully, just how far dental procedures have come over the years and the engineering that goes into keeping our mouths healthy. This remarkable device works only on buck or crooked teeth at the front … Continue reading A Fast Fix in Molesey with an Inman Aligner


Inman aligners from Kingston-Upon-Thames dentists solve crooked teeth problems

Many millions of people over the years have benefitted from the effectiveness of traditional metal braces. But they are rather unsightly, with all the metal wires and brackets and often needed to be worn for three years or so. But there was no other option if you wanted to have your teeth straightened. Thankfully there … Continue reading Inman aligners from Kingston-Upon-Thames dentists solve crooked teeth problems


Surbiton dentist has the answer with Inman aligner

There are very few people who are completely happy with their teeth. There are so many problems that can occur with the teeth. They can be discoloured, cracked, chipped or even worn down. There are cosmetic treatments that can be used to restore the appearance of all of these issues. But what if your teeth … Continue reading Surbiton dentist has the answer with Inman aligner


Inman Aligners. The advantages of this revolutionary mobile brace. By a Molesey dentist

Inman Aligners were designed to help adults achieve straighter teeth, and they are one of those great ideas that actually do what they say on the tin, says a Molesey dentist. The braces are unique in that they are designed like a sporting gum shield, and they come as a series of prefabricated braces. They … Continue reading Inman Aligners. The advantages of this revolutionary mobile brace. By a Molesey dentist


Straight teeth in ten weeks with Inman aligner from Kingston upon Thames dentist

The Inman aligner is a removable orthodontic straightening device used specifically to straighten the upper and lower front teeth in cases of minor overcrowding and spacing issues. The main benefit of the Inman aligner over its competitors is the incredible speed of treatment that it can offer. Patients using the Inman aligner can have noticeably … Continue reading Straight teeth in ten weeks with Inman aligner from Kingston upon Thames dentist