A Fast Fix in Molesey with an Inman Aligner
Since the Inman aligner came onto the market in Molesey, it’s gained many plaudits within dental circles and has reflected quite wonderfully, just how far dental procedures have come over the years and the engineering that goes into keeping our mouths healthy. This remarkable device works only on buck or crooked teeth at the front of the mouth, but boy, how it works! It has an ingenious mechanism. Once fitted, a wire sits around the outside of the teeth and gets straight to work, pulling the teeth into place. But the wire is also connected to a spring mechanism and a bar on the inside of the teeth, reversing the forces. The overall affect is that the teeth are constantly under pressure, moving to and fro in the mouth. The result of all this, in lay-mans terms, is that the teeth move extremely quickly, in fact, so fast, that the treatment can be completed in a little as 6 weeks! Now, the benefits are plain for all to see, especially for adults who may feel they simply can’t bear to go through any lengthy treatments at their time of life. You can plan around any social events you may have coming up with this treatment, but the benefits of having an Inman fitted doesn’t stop there. The device can be taken out at any time; for functions or after dinner speeches, but most importantly, for cleaning the teeth and the aligner after meals. If you’ve got the money and your teeth are suitable to have this type of treatment, then get down to your dentist now.