Category Archives: Oral Hygeine

Mulberry Dental Care Helps Patients Fight Dental Phobia in Surrey

By definition, the word phobia means, according to many psychiatric experts, an irrational and excessive fear of an object or situation and a sense of endangerment or a fear of harm, and through Mulberry dental care, that helps people of Surrey, dentists know only too well the problems it causes to them and their patients. … Continue reading Mulberry Dental Care Helps Patients Fight Dental Phobia in Surrey


Why Your Dentist Wants You to Quite Smoking in Sunbury

There is a really bad statistic floating about dental surgeries in Sunbury, which shows that smokers are more likely to lose their teeth than those people that don’t smoke- this is because smoking is destructive to the body on many levels. Firstly it depletes the immune system, causing the mouth to suffer from poor saliva … Continue reading Why Your Dentist Wants You to Quite Smoking in Sunbury


Caring for Our Teeth the Inter-Dental Way in Worcester Park

You can go out in Worcester Park and get the best toothbrush that money can buy, but it will not get in between your teeth, where the evil of plaque loves to ply its trade. Now in all reality, plaque will always be around in your mouth and if it gets out of control, it … Continue reading Caring for Our Teeth the Inter-Dental Way in Worcester Park


Quick Dental Bonding in Surbiton

As we get older, there is an element of inevitability that our teeth may start to become worn and tired. Gums may recede a little, causing the appearance of gaps at the top of the teeth, whilst the teeth themselves can become cracked and discolored. Not the prettiest of reading true, but it isn’t the … Continue reading Quick Dental Bonding in Surbiton


You and a Tooth Abscess in Weybridge

If you have ever had a tooth abscess in Weybridge, you will know that it is not a pleasant experience at all. The tooth may be tender to the touch and hurt when there is a sudden change in temperature. You may also get a fever, but you know you are in trouble when your … Continue reading You and a Tooth Abscess in Weybridge