Category Archives: invisalign

Just try spotting Invisalign in Shepperton!

You didn’t see arrive and so you don’t know it’s here, but here in Shepperton it very much is- the thing is, it’s invisible so you won’t see it, might feel it though. Now be honest, who would have thought they would ever see the words ‘invisible’ and ‘aligner’ in the same sentence- join the … Continue reading Just try spotting Invisalign in Shepperton!


Invisalign treatment effectively administered by dentists in Molesley

Getting your teeth straightened out to reveal a perfectly aligned smile has never been easier thanks to the Invisalign treatment. Already hugely popular in the United States, Invisalign has come to the United Kingdom and is gaining new fans all the time. Working from the premise that the traditional brace is rather too unsightly for … Continue reading Invisalign treatment effectively administered by dentists in Molesley


Fixing Your Teeth with Invisalign in Surrey

If you fancy getting your teeth straightened in Surrey with the minimum of fuss and attention, then look no further than Invisalign, a radical new type of aligner from the USA which promises to cut the treatment times of more traditional braces in half. If you sign up for the programme, you can enjoy the … Continue reading Fixing Your Teeth with Invisalign in Surrey


Weybridge dentists straighten teeth quickly and efficiently with Invisalign braces

For many years, if you wanted to have your teeth straightened there wasn’t much option but to have a traditional, metal brace fitted. They have always been extremely effective but unfortunately can lead to a lack of confidence because of their obtrusive and unsightly appearance. Advances in dentistry mean that there are now other ways … Continue reading Weybridge dentists straighten teeth quickly and efficiently with Invisalign braces