Invisalign treatment effectively administered by dentists in Molesley
Getting your teeth straightened out to reveal a perfectly aligned smile has never been easier thanks to the Invisalign treatment. Already hugely popular in the United States, Invisalign has come to the United Kingdom and is gaining new fans all the time. Working from the premise that the traditional brace is rather too unsightly for some and takes a long time to work, Invisalign seeks to remedy these problems.
Although Invisalign cannot rotate teeth, it can easily correct alignment issues and shift teeth so that the bit is straightened and the smile is more symmetrical. Instead of working with a complex series of metal brackets and wires, Invisalign is basically a series of clear plastic ‘plates’ that are worn over the teeth. Each one is constructed by your dentist so that it gradually shifts the teeth a small distance. Instead of the Invisalign having to be adjusted, new ones are fitted until the work is complete.
Invisalign is completely removable too, which gives it another advantage over the traditional metal brace. As long as they are worn for twenty two hours every day, Invisaligns can be removed for meal times, for instance, leaving the wearer able to enjoy their food without worrying about the mess sticking between all the metal brackets and wires. The treatment is also far shorter than that of the traditional metal brace.
If all of this sounds like music to your ears then you could do a lot worse than talk to your Molesley dentist and ask if they are registered with Invisalign. If they are then you can have a consultation and take your first steps towards a perfectly aligned smile the discreet and fast way.