Worcester Park dentist Treats Jaw Joint Problems
Dentists at Worcester Park dental clinic treat jaw problems. The jaw joint is usually called the temporo-mandibular joint (or TMJ). The left and right TMJs work in unison with each other. The TMJ originates from two bones that form the joint: the temporal bone which is part of the base of the skull, and the mandible (or lower jaw bone). The TMJ also contains an articular disc located between these two bones that are made up of fibro-cartilaginous tissue. This articular disc separates each TMJ into two joints. The bottom joint, that is composed of the mandible and disc gives the lower jaw its rotational opening and closing movements. While, the upper joints that is comprised of the temporal bone and the disc, gives the jaw its forward and side movements. The condyle of the mandible is the part that mates with the lower side of the articular disc, and the glenoid fossa is the part of the temporal bone that mates with the upper part of the articular disc.
TMJ dysfunction or pain is called either TMJ syndrome of temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) syndrome. These are a group of terms used to refer to a group of troubles that involve the joints and their tendons, muscles, blood vessels, ligaments, and associated tissues. Worcester dentists may also perform a postural examination, as these syndromes can affect the back and the neck. The main parts of the TMJs are the: articular space of the temporal bone; mandibular condyles; articular disc; ligaments, capsule, and the lateral pterygoid muscle. Only the mandible moves during jaw movements.