Valuable advice for parents on eating candy from Shepperton dentist
From a young age we are always told that eating candy or sugary sweets will rot our teeth and make them fall out. Even this level of scaremongering does little to dilute the average child’s voracious appetite for sweets. So what can parents do and what is the real truth behind the link between eating candy and tooth decay?
Sweets and candy contain high levels of refined carbohydrates. These carbohydrates can change the pH balance of the mouth making it more acidic and causing cavities or caries to develop. The stickiness of many of these foods means that a lot of the carbohydrates are stuck to the teeth and not swallowed or diluted by saliva. So it seems pretty straightforward, candy is bad for the teeth. Well, I think we all knew it really, but I don’t think a worldwide candy ban is a realistic alternative.
So what can you do as a parent? Well, research has shown that it may not be the amount of candy that a child eats but the frequency. After eating sweets, the pH balance is altered for up to an hour before returning to normal. So one suggestion would be that if you are going to treat the kids, do it in one go. Don’t let them snack throughout the day on sugary food.
Eating candy with meals is also a good idea because the increased production of saliva during meals will help to wash away some of the sugar from the mouth. Rinsing your mouth with water also helps to preserve the natural pH of the mouth.
In reality, all foods contain elements that are not good for the teeth. Candy is often perceived as worse because it offers no other nutritional benefits. Therefore no matter what the kids eat, it is vital that they brush their teeth properly at least twice a day and get regular check ups at a Shepperton dentist. The dentist will be able to spot any problems early and offer the best advice on how to keep teeth clean.