Understanding Oral Occlusion By A Kingston-Upon-Thames Dentist
According to a dentist in Kingston-Upon-Thames, oral occlusion is one of the most important aspects of dentistry. The success (or failure) of all dental work carried out in the mouth depends on a patient’s occlusion- the coming together of the teeth which also impacts on the rest of the skull, neck and jaw. As we get older, the position of the occlusion will change due to tooth loss and tooth wear and this causes the muscles and the jaw to work harder- the greatest offender being teeth grinding or bruxism. Bruxism can be caused by stress, anxiety, an aggressive personality, sleep disorders, medication or caffeinated drinks- it can be treated with medication, dental re-alignment and therapy. But malocclusion (‘bad bite’) and can lead to serious health issues if unchecked. A ‘bad bite’ can accelerate gum erosion and stress on the jaw (causing clicking), which in turn leads to headaches, earaches, eye and sinus pains, neck and even back problems. Treatment lies in the hands of your dentist. Depending on how bad the teeth are, an orthodontist can restore your bite with crowns, bridges or fillings. If the teeth are in reasonable shape, then a brace can be fitted to check the alignment of the occlusion.