Surbiton dentist protects your teeth and gums
If you’ve ever been unfortunate to suffer any kind of dental health problem you’ll know full well that it’s no laughing matter. Toothache doesn’t have a bad reputation for nothing after all, and with over 90 per cent of people in the UK admitting some kind of fear of the dentist, it would seem our teeth are something we should be keen to look after.
The key to good dental health is prevention. Although the advances in technology have meant that modern dentistry is able to cure most dental concerns relatively painlessly, the procedures are often costly and can still be unpleasant. The only way to avoid dental problems is to prevent them occurring in the first place. This is easily achievable by following three easy steps. Firstly, by brushing correctly twice a day using an appropriate toothbrush for your teeth (your dentist will be able to recommend a suitable brush) for three minutes. Secondly, by flossing at least once a day you will be able to clean the parts of the teeth that conventional brushing is unable to reach. This includes between the teeth and below the gumline. Flossing also removes food particles that get stuck in the teeth which are one of the main causes of plaque and bad breath. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, is by having regular six-month dental check-ups. Even though many people are afraid of the dentist, by visiting regularly there really will be nothing to fear. In fact, the more you visit the less likely the chance of any problems occurring, the less scary your check-ups will be. It really does make sense.
There are other things you can do to protect your teeth and gums, such as drinking water after meals, eating the right foods and not snacking in between meals. These will all help to maintain good oral hygiene but will only work in tandem with effective cleaning.
The alternatives to protecting your teeth and gums is a lifetime of tooth decay, gum disease and costly dental procedures that doesn’t bear thinking about. A Surbiton dentist will be able to offer you regular check-ups and offer you advice about the proper cleaning methods.