Porcelain veneers with Sunbury dentists: No more staining!
Porcelain dental veneers provide an effective solution to covering up those troublesome teeth which can spoil the look of your mouth. It can really affect your vital self confidence if you have one or more tooth which just doesn’t look as good as it might. If that tooth has broken down or has a chip or crack in it then you might be desperate to sort it out but feel that there is nothing really to be done.
This is where porcelain veneers come in. Your Sunbury dentist can cover any teeth which are cracked or chipped or even discoloured with a thin layer of porcelain that is discreet but will enhance the look of your smile no end. The procedure is usually simple and, thanks to advances in the technologies which are used in surgeries, incredibly quick. You need only take an hour or so to get a porcelain veneer fitted these days.
What many people worry about, especially if they are using a porcelain veneer to cover up a tooth which has become stained, is whether the veneer itself can become stained over time. The fact is that a number of habits that many of us pursue on a daily basis can lead to the staining of our teeth. If you are someone who drinks tea, coffee, red wine or cola drinks or if you smoke tobacco then you will probably find that your teeth can become somewhat stained. This is not something you need to be concerned with when it comes to porcelain dental veneers. They do not become stained because the porcelain material is a little like glass and any pigmentation will simply run off. Ask your dentist for more details about the procedures involved in getting porcelain veneers.