Kingston-upon-Thames dentist explains facts about traveling abroad for dental treatment
More and more people are being attracted by the promise of cheap dental treatment abroad, but are they fully aware of what they are getting themselves into? For every story you hear of successful and cheap dental surgery in Hungary or Bulgaria there are two horror stories about botched treatment and follow up appointments in the UK to repair the damage. A recent survey of Irish dentists found that 76 per cent had had to repair work done on patients in other countries.
Things to think about before considering going abroad are that all dentists in this country are properly regulated and must be registered to work as a dentist in the UK. Standards and regulations cannot be guaranteed in other countries so you don’t really know who might end up working on your teeth. You might have to do a great deal of research to be sure about who will be performing your treatment in another country.
When enquiring about dentistry abroad it is necessary to check that any claims about the quality of treatment and professional qualifications can be proven before agreeing to any treatment.
Whatever the situation, receiving dental treatment abroad is going to be a risk. It might work out well, it might not, and surely the latter is enough of a deterrent. The health of your teeth can play a huge part in your general well being and surely it is not worth taking the risk. If you are unsure about any dental problems or sconsidering treatment abroad a Kingston-upon-Thames dentist will be able to answer any of your questions. It is always better to know the facts.