Getting a dental implant in Kingston-upon-Thames
Losing a tooth is a scary moment, losing them all and the thought of dentures can signal the end of the road for some people. To have a dental implant was once considered to be an operation of Frankenstein proportions, for which you had to sell your soul, just to pay for the treatment. How dentistry has changed, even for those in Kingston-Upon-Thames.
Though the general principle behind having an implant hasn’t changed, installing metal into bone and the fitting of a new tooth, has, due largely to the introduction of computer technology and micro surgery. Treatment times are falling too thanks to new healing processes. When first introduced, the procedure could take up to a year to heal, now it’s fallen to around 4 months and in the case of mini implants used in conjunction with bridges and dentures, the whole treatment is over in a day. Having an implant now is not only considered to be as strong as the real thing, but even to look better than the real thing. Implants are seen as the future of teeth replacement and will soon resign the embarrassment of wearing dentures to the history books. As implant technology improves, prices fall, making it more accessible to all. An implant is available today for as little as £1000 and if you are not in a position to pay for the treatment you need in one go, take out a dental plan and you’ll never have to worry about the future of your teeth again.