Tag Archives: bad breath

Fighting off Gum Disease and Halitosis- a Sweet answer in Surrey

If gum disease has set in, there is a chance that it could also lead to halitosis and it is something that you should really try and do something about; aside from the fact that you won’t be to popular whenever you talk to people, the health implications could well be disastrous in the long … Continue reading Fighting off Gum Disease and Halitosis- a Sweet answer in Surrey


Taking up the fight against Bad Breath in Surbiton

Most conditions in the mouth are quite easily treated by dentists today with easy, yet wonderful treatments at their disposal; bad breath however, isn’t so easy to overcome and it may take a complete turn around in lifestyle and attitude to battle against this problem. Sure, a dentist can treat the problem of tooth decay … Continue reading Taking up the fight against Bad Breath in Surbiton


Finding the Remedy for Bad Breath in Surbiton

Bad breath is always going to be a social no-no if you suffer from it; it can alienate you from friends, family and work colleagues and literally stunt your life. First you have to tackle the possible causes of it: diet and lifestyle need to be first on your agenda to tackle, and then followed … Continue reading Finding the Remedy for Bad Breath in Surbiton


Battling with your Breath in Surbiton with Mulberry Dental Care

There are many things that the people of Surbiton think in unsociable and sadly, if you suffer from bad breath, it’s going to be high on their list. The first thing you need to do when someone has ‘politely’ pointed it out to you is get along to the dentist and see if you are … Continue reading Battling with your Breath in Surbiton with Mulberry Dental Care


Put an end to embarrassing halitosis with help and advice from Sunbury dentists

Unfortunately its probably something that we’ve all experienced: meeting that person at a party or business occasion whose breath smells unpleasant. What’s worse is when that person is you. It can put a real downer on your ability to socialise if you are aware that there are unsavoury aromas emitting from your mouth every time … Continue reading Put an end to embarrassing halitosis with help and advice from Sunbury dentists