It’s so ‘in’ man! The perfect aligner hits Shepperton
Once in a lifetime, some brainbox is allowed to put ideas into action- some of these ideas may fail, others will be amazing; pretty much goes for gadgets in dentistry too. However, something has landed in the dental surgeries of Shepperton that is frankly delicious in all departments- the Inman aligner. What this device promises to those with buck front teeth are quite outrageous: 6 weeks minimum and your teeth will be straight! It’s removable, so you can eat and clean as normal!! It’s also cheap, starting from around £1200!!! What makes this device so remarkable is it’s mechanism that places oppose forces on the teeth which essentially keeps them on the move all of the time so, they move very quickly. Once the treatment is over, a retainer will be required to prevent your teeth trying to spring back again and allow them to bed into their new position- and what a position! In a month and a half you could be pushing your way to the front of group photographs one more. It is the perfect treatment, if you have finally come to your senses, for any quick fix for an important event coming up in your life. You can find out more about this extraordinary aligner from Mulberry dental care.