Getting Cosmetic Dentistry in Kingston-Upon-Thames
The benefits and joys of cosmetic dentistry are everywhere to be seen in Kingston-Upon-Thames; on billboards, at the cinema, on the TV and in newspapers and magazines- everyone is smiling with confidence these days, and you can too. All you have to do is pop into your dentist and discuss what’s best for you and that puts you up there with the best of them. If your teeth are in good shape already, you may only require simple ‘touch-ups’ to restore your smile with a little cosmetic bonding. Bleaching is big business now too; home bleaching kits can be purchased at most retail outlets or you can get it done by your dentist. Make-over shows have made laser bleaching very fashionable too. However, if you suffer from severe wear and tear and staining, veneers are fantastic at covering up a multitude of sins in the mouth like receding gums or cracks and chips, giving back the length and sheen to your teeth you once had. Gums can be shaped and contoured to remove with laser treatment with the least amount of damage to the mouth and to get rid of that ‘gummy’ smile. Even losing teeth is no longer a problem anymore; there’s a range of bridges, crowns and dental implants available to plug the holes, put that smile back on your face and give you oodles of confidence to get back in the mix of society.