Enlighten tooth whitening in Sunbury
If you’re always on the go in Sunbury, there’s a pretty good chance that any cosmetic dental work you would like to have, is just too difficult to squeeze into your busy little diary. But what say you to having your teeth whitened while you’re sleeping? Well, you can, thanks to Enlighten Tooth Whitening. This fairly new treatment can be used by virtually everyone whatever your tooth colour, your age or your naughty little lifestyle habits. The first stop is your dentist to get a finite impression of your mouth from which two, close fitting bleaching trays can be manufactured. Once these arrive back from the lab, your treatment can begin. When you are ready for bed, you simply fill the trays with the bleaching agent, slip them onto your teeth and go to sleep! The whole process should take a couple of weeks during which, strong staining foodstuffs and smoking should be avoided, and the teeth brushed with a whitening toothpaste. Once the treatment is complete, it’s back to the dentist for a deep bleaching session. Enlighten Tooth Whitening is a permanent treatment, though you may require a top-up each year depending on your lifestyle, but for around £500, this versatile little treatment is perfect for those of us that are constantly on the move.