Dental Bonding at Shepperton Dental Clinic
Dental bonding involves placing a tooth coloured restorative material on the facial surfaces of the front teeth. Your Shepperton dentist may choose bonding to: repair decayed, chipped or broken front teeth; change the appearance of the front teeth, by making them look better, and closing existing spaces between the teeth; as an aesthetic choice instead of amalgams in the back teeth; and, to cover exposed root surfaces when the gum tissue recedes.
In most bonding cases, very little tooth preparation and no anaesthesia is required. This is, unless the bonding (i.e., composite) material is to be used to fill a cavity or cavities. You Shepperton dentist will use a shade selection guide to match the shade of your tooth/teeth to be bonded. If your dentist is using bonding to lighten your teeth, a lighter shade of composite material will be selected. You tooth or teeth surface(s) will be roughened using a diamond drill where the bonding material is to be placed. Your dentist will then dry the tooth and apply and acid-etch gel to remove organic materials from your tooth/teeth, so that the bonding material will hold. Then, the tooth/teeth will be cleaned with a water spray and re-dried, an unfilled liquid resin material will be applied, and the dentist will use a special “curing light” so that the unfilled resin will set in place. Then your dentist will apply the filled composite (i.e., bonding) material and shape it closely to the desired results and again use the “curing light” to set the material in place. The dentist will then use some drills, polishing stones, and polishing wheels to finish the restoration/bonding. Dental bonding can be performed in a relatively short time, and multiple teeth can be bonding during the same visit. Dental bondings are the least invasive and relatively inexpensive aesthetic dental procedures that you can get. Proper home care must be used to maintain and clean the dental bonding(s), as well as your other teeth. Your Shepperton dentist will review all of this with you during your dental visit.