A dry mouth can cause dental cavities says a Molesey dentist
A dry mouth has many causes and a few consequences, one of which is dental cavities says a Molesey dentist. The warning about the relationship formed by a dry mouth and cavities isn’t a new one; cavities are formed by the acid that is made by the bacteria in our mouths, mainly feeding off sweet and sugary food residue. Diabetics are familiar with his problem as one of the main symptoms of diabetes is a dry mouth, the acid can produce quickly and do its damage on the enamel of the teeth. Chemotherapy patients are another victim, as if they don’t have enough problems already. We need the saliva that our glands produce in order to neutralise oral acid, which is the single most problem we have with oral care. Drinking water is one answer, but when you’re on chemo or a diabetic with a high sugar level, then this in itself causes more problems. The answer in some prolonged cases is a dental sealant, this is a solution that a dentist will usually reserve for his younger patients aged between 6-10 years old. The problem occurs in children who cannot get a brush into their cavities due to the smallness of the cavities. A plastic filling is used to replace the enamel that is burned away by the acid, acid cannot burn away plastic, so this preventative treatment is a really clever one. This won’t work in all cases though, and so it needs the patient to be aware of the problem and use other methods to counteract the acid problem. Drinking water and swishing it around the mouth will go some way to doing the job, but if you don’t want to keep visiting the loo every 20 minutes, then just swish and spit.